How to run Linux commands without installing

Maybe you want to try out a Linux command, or use it as a one-off. If you’re like me, it makes you vaguely uneasy to have your machine littered with software you forgot why you installed. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was some way of running commands, from the Internet, without having them leaving residue on your machine? Sounds impossible, no?

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What Can I Refactor For You Today?

As developers, we love building things. Haskell gives us great opportunities to channel our creative drives into producing libraries and tools that are (hopefully) both intellectually elegant and functionally useful. But there’s more to building software than just creating.

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Is Haskell fast?

If you try to research this question, you might come up with confusing and contradictory answers, strongly-stated opinions, and loads of technical jargon.

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